Translucent Panel Channel

Real Stone. Real Strong. Real Thin.
Installers should be craftsmen with construction experience. Installers should read the instructions and follow all OSHA and other safety requirements. StonePly panels are a finished natural stone product. Use care to protect them during installation.
Store the stone panels in a clean, dry area. As the StonePly stone panels are removed from the packaging crates, they should be placed on carpet, foam or other padding to protect the stone face and edges. Keeping the stone panels clean and organized will speed installation. While StonePly panels are strong and impact resistant, keep in mind that they are a finished product. The natural stone facing can be chipped at the edges and softer stones can be scratched. Some stones can be stained by dirt, mud or construction materials. Some care should be used in staging the stone panels. By arranging the panels in the order needed for installing, productivity of the installation is improved.
These are general guidelines, not full instructions. Every job is different and a competent, experienced professional, skilled in construction, carpentry, safety and proper use of tools should direct the work.